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The Keys To Long Life and Health

Over the last 80 days I have taken a deep dive into the molecular science of why we age and what lifestyle choices we can make that have the largest impact. How we age with vitality and long life without chronic disease is the brass ring we all hope to capture.

In summary, fasting in its various forms offers a range of benefits for the liver, kidneys, and immune system, largely through mechanisms like improved metabolic health, reduced inflammation, enhanced autophagy, and alignment with circadian rhythms. 

Please read this little bit of information and then check how you are doing - personally with the applications of lifestyle over time. "Be gentle on yourself; perfection is an ideal, not a human quality as far as I know!"

However, the extent and nature of these benefits can vary depending on the type and duration of fasting in addition to:  

What we eat

When we eat

When we don’t eat

The Cytochrome P450 superfamily of enzymes containing heme as a cofactor that function as monooxygenases CP 450 is at the centre of all metabolic activity and it is this activity that is enhanced by fasting practices, a whole foods plant based low and low to moderate protein and fat diets. 

The Liver

Intermittent Fasting (IF):

Fat Metabolism: IF helps reduce liver fat and improve insulin sensitivity. The liver shifts from glucose metabolism to fat metabolism, promoting ketogenesis, which is beneficial in reducing the risk of fatty liver disease.

Detoxification: The liver may experience reduced oxidative stress due to periods of fasting, as it gets time to focus on repair rather than continuous digestion and metabolism.

Prolonged Fasting:

Autophagy: Extended fasting further enhances autophagy in the liver, a process where the body breaks down and recycles damaged cells and proteins, promoting liver health.

  Glucose and Glycogen: Prolonged fasting depletes glycogen stores in the liver, leading to a deeper reliance on fat metabolism and ketone production.

Time-Restricted Feeding (TRF):

Circadian Rhythm: TRF aligns eating patterns with the body’s natural circadian rhythms, which can optimize liver function by synchronizing metabolic processes with day-night cycles.

Improved Liver Function: Similar to IF, TRF has been shown to reduce liver fat and improve markers of liver function due to consistent fasting windows.

The Kidneys

Intermittent Fasting (IF):

Reduced Inflammation:  IF can reduce inflammatory markers that affect kidney health, potentially lowering the risk of chronic kidney disease.

  Blood Pressure and Glucose: IF has positive effects on blood pressure and glucose control, which are crucial in maintaining kidney health and preventing damage.

Prolonged Fasting:

Fluid and Electrolyte Balance: During prolonged fasting, careful attention is needed for hydration and electrolyte balance, as the kidneys are responsible for regulating these. Inadequate management can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.

Detoxification: The kidneys, like the liver, may experience reduced workload during fasting, which might help in detoxification processes and reduce oxidative stress.

Time-Restricted Feeding (TRF):

Kidney Function: TRF, by regulating glucose and insulin levels, supports kidney function and may reduce the progression of kidney-related diseases.

Circadian Benefits: Similar to its effects on the liver, TRF aligns kidney functions with circadian rhythms, potentially improving their efficiency.

The Immune System

Intermittent Fasting (IF):

Immune Modulation: IF has been shown to modulate immune responses, reducing inflammation while also enhancing immune surveillance. This can lead to improved immune function and reduced risk of chronic inflammatory diseases.

  Stem Cell Production: IF can stimulate the production of new immune cells, particularly after periods of fasting, which can rejuvenate the immune system.

Prolonged Fasting: 

Immune System Reset: Prolonged fasting has a more profound effect on the immune system, including promoting autophagy and potentially inducing a "reset" of the immune system by clearing out old cells and promoting the regeneration of new ones.

Reduction of Autoimmunity: Extended fasting periods have been linked to reduced symptoms in autoimmune diseases due to the modulation of immune responses and reduced inflammation.

Time-Restricted Feeding (TRF):

Immune Support: TRF supports the immune system by reducing chronic inflammation and aligning immune activity with the body’s natural rhythms, potentially enhancing overall immune efficiency.

Gut Health: TRF may also positively impact gut health, which is closely linked to immune function, by promoting a balanced microbiome and reducing gut inflammation.

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